Thursday 15 April 2010

GASP Special Offers - April 2010

GASP have bundled together three more packs to help you get started with your smoking cessation sessions at reduced prices.

Stopping smoking before or during pregnancy is the best thing a woman can do to ensure the health of her unborn baby. This special price pack offers a taster range leaflets, posters and Smokefree Baby bibs and T-shirts to encourage pregnant women and their partners to quit. For details on the pack's contents go to the GASP website

A selection of GASP's posters and leaflets specifically designed to help blokes give up the smokes! Check the GASP Website for details on the packs contents

New research from the Royal College of Physicians reveals that adults smoking in the home leads to over 9,000 hospital admissions for children and over 30,000 GP visits for health problems such as chest and ear infections. Parents want to protect their children but sometimes need advice and encouragement to make the home 100% smokefree. This pack is all you need to run a smokefree homes project. Have a look at the GASP website for details on what the kit contains.