Tuesday 9 March 2010

March 2010 Special Offers on GASP website

GASP have more great special offers for March 2010. Head over to their website or scroll down for more info.

People never cease to be shocked by the sheer number and toxicity of some of the 4000 chemicals in tobacco smoke. This pack presents some of the most popular resources demonstrating in a visual way how harmful tobacco smoke is, what is in tobacco smoke and where do those chemicals come from.

Smoking is linked to many illnesses all over the body. To emphasise and explain this GASP has a number of products that highlight the range of tobacco related diseases.

The lungs are in the front line of damage from smoking. The 4000 chemicals in tobacco smoke fill the delicate lungs, kill the cilia or hairs that keep the airways clean, inflame the linings and cause fatal diseases such as COPD and cancer. This special pack demonstrates the health of the lungs for both smokers and non-smokers.