Wednesday 6 January 2010

No Smoking Day 2010

GASP ideas for developing the 2010 No Smoking Day theme of ‘Breakfree’.
Plus additional ideas for chains, chain gangs, hands, ‘We can Help’, and number ten appearing in day and year: 10/3/10.

Break Free
  • Chains and enslavement, human chains, paper chains, chains made out of bendy curlers, garden fence chains, and plastic joke chains and ball and chains etc. Houdini, slavery, Big Cig in chains, chain gang in costume, prison bars made of ‘cigarettes’, songs about chains with No Smoking words.
  • Chain reactions of tobacco chemicals on the body, chains of support (one advisor helps 40 smokers whose children will benefit and the families will have up to £80,000 a year to spend on food etc), paper chains with messages of support.
  • Breath CO monitor ideas. Make a chain related Break-Free-o-meter chart. Or promote the CO monitor with ‘Change Not Chains’

  • Hands on help, palmistry, hand massage, henna hand tattoos, handprints with stop smoking messages and tips on. Also research shown as ‘Hands up those who found it hard to break free….?’
  • Breath CO chart shown as a Hands-o-meter chart with hand prints in green orange and red

WE can Help
  • ‘We can help’ with maps showing where smokers can get help to stop locally or with photos of local people and places who offer help to break free from smoking holding up posters saying ‘We can help’.

Number 10
  • Use the number TEN as NSD is on the 10 March 2010. Ten reasons to quit, ten tips to quit, ten day countdown, ten quitters and articles showing what has been achieved in the ten years since 2000.
  • Ten commandments of helping smokers to quit, ten pound vouchers to reward smokers who quit

These ideas are available as a downloadable PowerPoint presentation on the No Smoking Day website.