Tuesday, 25 May 2010

Product Focus: 10 Top Reasons DVD

A fast moving film version of the best selling leaflet produced exclusively for gasp that briefly presents 10 reasons for not taking up tobacco. Using a colourful mix of facts and figures, body painting, interviews and humour, the action includes tobacco’s impact on health, wealth, complexion, pollution, addiction, fitness and freedom. Oh and saying no to those tobacco industry marketers who are represented as the blood sucking Count Tobacula.

Great for young people and any groups as a discussion starter.

for details on how to buys click here

Monday, 10 May 2010

World No Tobacco Day 2010 Special Offers 7 & 8:

GASP's last two special offer for no smoking day are the two popular packs from April 'Smokefree Pregnancy/Smokefree Baby taster kit' and 'Smoke Free Homes Starter Pack'. See below for more details...

World No Tobacco Day 2010 Special Offers 7: Smoke Free Homes Starter Pack
New research from the Royal College of Physicians reveals that adults smoking in the home leads to over 9,000 hospital admissions for children and over 30,000 GP visits for health problems such as chest and ear infections. Parents want to protect their children but sometimes need advice and encouragement to make the home 100% smokefree. This pack is all you need to run a smokefree homes project.

The pack includes a Smokefree Home Action pack and CD with a PowerPoint presentation and many downloadable letters, press releases and handouts. It also contains 4 smokefree homes posters and a stand up display poster in an acrylic stand. Information to hand out to parents includes 100 Smokefree Homes Pledge certificates, 150 each of Smokefree Homes and Smokefree Cars stickers and 150 of the 8 page Smokefree Homes leaflet ’50 Great Reasons for Making your Car and Home a Smokefree Zone’ including tips on how to achieve it. And to decorate your stall you will receive a 10 metre length of smokefree bunting and 20 balloons with different designs.

This pack is reduced to just £135 until World No Tobacco Day May 31st 2010

World No Tobacco Day 2010 Special Offers 8: Smokefree Pregnancy/Smokefree Baby taster kit

Stopping smoking before or during pregnancy is the best thing a woman can do to ensure the health of her unborn baby. This special price pack offers a taster range leaflets, posters and Smokefree Baby bibs and T-shirts to encourage pregnant women and their partners to quit.

Kit contents:
10 x Pregnant? There’s No Better Time to Quit Smoking
10 x Pregnant? That’s 2 Good Reasons to Stop Smoking
10 x 50 Blooming Good Reasons Not to Smoke when You’re Pregnant
10 x Staying Stopped After Pregnancy
10 CO leaflet including Foetal HbCO chart
1x Sales pack of 25 pregnancy posters
2 x Pregnant? That’s Two Good Reasons to Stop Smoking posters
2 x No Time like the Pregnant to Stop Smoking posters
2 x When you Smoke so Does your Baby posters
2 x Lucy Smokes 20 a day – So does her Mum
10 Smokefree Baby bibs
10 Smokefree Baby t-shirts
2 packs of 10 ‘Smokefree Baby’ balloons

All available at a reduced price of £74 and now extended until World N Tobacco Day on May 31st 2010

World No Tobacco Day 2010 Special Offers 6: NEW Passive smoking and children RCP Book

Protecting children is a health priority. Adult smoking behaviour must radically change to achieve that. This report identifies the reasons why and what should be done to achieve it.
(Foreword by Sir Liam Donaldson, Chief Medical Officer)

Passive smoking is a major hazard to the health of millions of children who live with smokers. Although legislation in the UK has now prohibited smoking in enclosed public places and in workplaces, the vast majority of death and illness is caused by passive smoking in the home, rather than outside it.

As well as summarising data from hundreds of existing studies, this report sets out new research that quantifies just how damaging passive smoking in the home is to children, and the harm done to the fetus by maternal smoking. It also assesses the likelihood of adult smokers increasing the risk that their children will themselves become smokers.

The report estimates, for example, that over 20,000 cases of lower respiratory tract infection, 120,000 cases of middle ear disease, and at least 22,000 new cases of wheeze and asthma are all caused by passive smoking in children each year in the UK; and that around 23,000 young people take up smoking before the age of 16 as a result of exposure to smoking by others in their household.

The financial costs of the disease burden caused by passive smoking, the level of public support for further legislation, the ethical issues involved,and the policy responses that are needed to minimise exposure in the future, are all set out clearly in this seminal document. It should be read by health professionals in all areas, but particularly those working with children, in obstetrics and in public health, and by politicians, health policy-makers, and tobacco control charities, as well as members of the public interested in creating a healthier, smoke-free environment for all children.

Contents include:
  • Smoke-free legislation in the UK
  • Passive smoking in UK children
  • Effects of maternal active and passive smoking on fetal and reproductive health
  • Health effects of passive smoking in children
  • How much disease in children is caused by passive smoking?
  • Effect of parent and sibling smoking on smoking uptake
  • The costs of passive smoking in children
  • Public opinion on smoke-free policy
  • Ethics: children and smoking
  • Strategies to reduce passive smoking in children
  • Key conclusions and recommendations

World No Tobacco Day 2010 Special Offers 5: Euro Inflatable Cigarettes (Pack of 10)

An invaluable prop for photocalls, stalls and smoke-free events. Two messages: "Quit Smoking" on one side and "No Smoking" on the other. Includes hanging clips, cord and repair kit. The mostphotographed prop in local news clippings about stop smoking services, No Smoking Day, smoke-free policies. Examples: successful quitters holding it, stubbing it out or kicking it, fireman pointing a hose at it, strong man bending it, swimming and running relays and obstacle races.

Friday, 7 May 2010

World No Tobacco Day 2010 Special Offers 4: Women and Smoking Display/Leaflet Pack

To celebrate World No Tobacco Day 2010 on the theme of Gender and Smoking with emphasis on women, GASP is offering the display set of 6 quality posters ‘Women and Smoking’ together with 100 leaflets of the same name at a reduced price of £24. The display and leaflet outlines the particular health risks for women smokers.

Click here for info on how to buy

piCO+ Smokerlyzer PACK

To join the recent release of the brand new piCO+ smokerlyzer is the release of the full pack. With all of the same advantages of the new piCO+ and the extras from the old pack, this represents the best value for money way to buy the new piCO+. For more details read below or click HERE

piCO Smokerlyzer is the best-selling breath CO monitor used for motivating smokers to stop and for validating the smoking status.

Now improved to include:

  • Automatic Calibration reminder every six months
  • Larger screen for increased patient motivation
  • D-Piece renewal reminder every four weeks
  • Reset button under the battery cover to prevent monitors that have firmware problems from having to be sent back for repair
PLUS SteriTouch®. This new moulding effectively kills illness and infection causing bacteria on contact, including:
  • MRSA
  • E. coli
  • Salmonella
The advisor pack comes with a piCO Smokerlyzer together with an operating manual, 12 D-pieces, 25 mouthpieces, computer software, pregnancy and CO pack, infection control guide, cleansing wipes, batteries, Smokerlyzer chart, 2 posters and a new handy carry case.

Click here for more information and to order

World No Tobacco Day 2010 Special Offers 3: Smoking Kills Your Looks pack

To celebrate World No Tobacco Day 2010 on the theme of Gender and Smoking with emphasis on women, GASP has compiled a pack of posters, leaflets, and bookmarks to inform young women about the risks of smoking to attractiveness.

The pack is available for a limited time at the reduced price of
£18.00 comprises of one 'Like snogging an ashtray' poster, one 'So she said' poster, 50 'kills your looks' leaflets and 50 'Kills your looks' bookmarks

World No Tobacco Day 2010 Special Offers 2: Take a Closer Look at Smoking Pack

This best selling A2 poster and matching leaflet using the body of a naked female smoker to warn how smoking damages that body on the inside. The pack is to celebrate World No Tobacco Day 2010 on the theme of women and smoking.

The pack contains 100 'A closer look' leaflet and the A2 poster 'If you think smoking makes you look good, look closer' at the special price of just £24

World No Tobacco Day 2010 Special Offers 1: No Smoking in 32 languages

A ‘No Smoking’ and ‘Thank you for not smoking’ poster in over 30 languages. Very popular in community centres and schools and a good discussion point for ethnic minorities to find their language. Ne fumez pas SVP, Bitte nicht rauchen, Geen rook, Nao fumar, Dim ysmygu and No smoking in many Asian, Eastern European, Arabic, Turkish and African languages.

Buy 20 to use in all the public areas to celebrate World No Tobacco Day for the reduced price of just £10

World No Tobacco Day 2010

Theme: Gender and tobacco with an emphasis on marketing to women

The World Health Organization (WHO) selects "Gender and tobacco with an emphasis on marketing to women" as the theme for the next World No Tobacco Day, which will take place on 31 May 2010.

Controlling the epidemic of tobacco among women is an important part of any comprehensive tobacco control strategy. World No Tobacco Day 2010 will be designed to draw particular attention to the harmful effects of tobacco marketing towards women and girls. It will also highlight the need for the nearly 170 Parties to the WHO Framework Convention on Tobacco Control to ban all tobacco advertising, promotion and sponsorship in accordance with their constitutions or constitutional principles.

Women comprise about 20% of the world's more than 1 billion smokers. However, the epidemic of tobacco use among women is increasing in some countries. Women are a major target of opportunity for the tobacco industry, which needs to recruit new users to replace the nearly half of current users who will die prematurely from tobacco-related diseases.

Especially troubling is the rising prevalence of tobacco use among girls. The new WHO report, Women and health: today's evidence, tomorrow's agenda, points to evidence that tobacco advertising increasingly targets girls. Data from 151 countries show that about 7% of adolescent girls smoke cigarettes as opposed to 12% of adolescent boys. In some countries, almost as many girls smoke as boys.

World No Tobacco Day 2010 will give overdue recognition to the importance of controlling the epidemic of tobacco among women. As WHO Director-General Margaret Chan wrote in the aforementioned report, "protecting and promoting the health of women is crucial to health and development – not only for the citizens of today but also for those of future generations".

The WHO Framework Convention, which took effect in 2005, expresses alarm at "the increase in smoking and other forms of tobacco consumption by women and young girls worldwide".

Although the World No Tobacco Day 2010 campaign will focus on tobacco marketing to women, it will also take into account the need to protect boys and men from the tobacco companies' tactics. As WHO said in its 2007 report, Gender and tobacco control: a policy brief, "Generic tobacco control measures may not be equally or similarly effective in respect to the two sexes…[A] gendered perspective must be included…It is therefore important that tobacco control policies recognize and take into account gender norms, differences and responses to tobacco in order to…reduce tobacco use and improve the health of men and women worldwide".

In another 2007 report, Sifting the evidence: gender and tobacco control, WHO commented, "Both men and women need full information about the sex-specific effects of tobacco use…equal protection from gendered advertising and marketing and the development of sex-specific tobacco products by transnational tobacco companies…[and] gender-sensitive information about, and protection from, second-hand smoke and occupational exposure to tobacco or nicotine".

The WHO Framework Convention recognizes "the need for gender-specific tobacco control strategies", as well as for the "full participation of women at all levels of [tobacco control] policy-making and implementation [of tobacco control measures]".

On World No Tobacco Day 2010, and throughout the following year, WHO will encourage governments to pay particular attention to protecting women from the tobacco companies' attempts to lure them into lifetimes of nicotine dependence. By responding to WHO's call, governments can reduce the toll of fatal and crippling heart attacks, strokes, cancers and respiratory diseases that have become increasingly prevalent among women.

Tobacco use could kill one billion people during this century. Recognizing the importance of reducing tobacco use among women, and acting upon that recognition, would save many lives.

Click on the link below for more details or go to to the GASP website for loads of great special offers for World No Tobacco Day
